The Game's Afoot! Game Theory in Myth and Paradox (Student Mathematical Library, Vol. 5)
Treating Disruptive Disorders: A Guide to Psychological, Pharmacological, and Combined Therapies
Educational Psychology
Hegel versus 'Inter-Faith Dialogue': A General Theory of True Xenophilia
Boswell's Enlightenment
The Faculties: A History
The Politics of Market Discipline in Latin America: Globalization and Democracy
Augustine, the Trinity, and the Church: A Reading of the Anti-Donatist Sermons
Integrating Behaviorism and Attachment Theory in Parent Coaching
The Western Flyer: Steinbeck's Boat, the Sea of Cortez, and the Saga of Pacific Fisheries
Elusive Equality: Desegregation and Resegregation in Norfolk's Public Schools
From Capitalistic to Humanistic Business
Using Web 2.0 and Social Networking Tools in the K-12 Classroom (repost)
Tales from Another Mother Runner: Triumphs, Trials, Tips, and Tricks from the Road
Medicine and Space. Body, Surroundings and Borders in Antiquity and the Middle Ages
Afterburn: Society Beyond Fossil Fuels
The Outsourcing Enterprise: From Cost Management to Collaborative Innovation (repost)
Success Factors in Logistics Outsourcing (Essays on Supply Chain Management) (repost)
The Spanish-Speaking World: A Practical Introduction to Sociolinguistic Issues (repost)
How to Be a 3% Man, Winning the Heart of the Woman of Your Dreams